The Collective Bargaining Task Force is an eleven-member body, appointed by the Virginia Beach City Council and responsible for studying the feasibility of collective bargaining for the City workforce.

Meeting Information

Beginning Friday, Oct. 6, the task force will meet once a week. Task force meetings are open to the public and a notice with information on meeting times and locations will be posted on the City’s public meeting calendar no later than three business days prior to the meeting.

Board Documents

Task Force Members

All task force member terms expire on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023.

  • Max A. Gonano, chair

  • Brad L. Belton, vice chair

  • James R. Boyles

  • Steven R. Cover

  • Dennis E. Free

  • Terry L. Green

  • Michael F. Imprevento

  • Alfred M. Jacocks

  • Brian R. Luciano

  • Lisa A. Turner

  • James L. Wood